Thursday, March 31, 2011

What I’m Seeing (part 2)

The last blog was more of the negative, controversial part of what I have been seeing here during my short time here.  I feel like I have brought some interesting points to light, so if you haven’t checked that out, scroll down a bit and read.

This is about some good stuff that I’ve been able to see and it all stems off from one main thing: the power of the Gospel.SANY0046

When we first started out we used English classes as a way in with people, but I got convicted about that.  I felt we were doubting the power of the Gospel by working around it to get an “in” with people.  When in reality we don’t need any “ins” because our only “in” that we will ever need are the Good News.  Who doesn’t want to hear the most life changing news ever?  Who doesn’t want to hear that there is a God who has plans, grandes planes, for you and your life and He loves you?  After that, who would be interested in English?  I don’t want to doubt God’s power with my actions and where I dedicate my time.

So far in our districts there have been a handful of converts, and what I’m seeing is two different levels of people.  People who want to advance, and people who want to stay where they’re at as far as their walk.  Our job as the pastor has told us is to “perfect people.  Perfecting things, perfecting objects is easy.  But perfecting people is much harder.”


I’m seeing people that need to be perfected, and my job is to get them from that one level, to a level recognizing that they need to advance.  And that is the hardest part of this job.  But with the hardest thing, when success comes, it is most rewarding. 

And I am definitely seeing people advancing and growing.  And it is causing me to advance and grow even more.  There are people who don’t even know what sin is, and after one lesson with them they realize what it is.  If they don’t decide to change then, or make a 180 degree turn like my partner says, then God will work and we have planted the seed.

Sometimes I think of the basics, like sin.  And realize that sin or salvation or repentance is news for people.  It’s almost like instinct to some of us, is like common knowledge we’re born with.  And it’s beautiful to see them when they are getting it.

For example, today I asked a kid, Joel, my age to read me a verse,  “Therefore to him who knows to do good, and does not do it, to him it is sin.” (James 4: 17).  He looked for James a bit, but then resorted to going to the Table of Contents to find the page number, which is completely fine (I still have to do that sometimes, shh.)  He read it to me, and instead of preaching to people I like to make them think.  I asked him, “What does that mean for you?”

He couldn’t tell me, even after thinking for a bit.  He didn’t get it.  So I explained to him, and he just puts on a face “I get it. It all is adding up.”

Now is that me? Nooo.  That is God speaking to his heart.  It’s a beautiful process and for those who have experienced that, I get that opportunity on a daily basis.

So what am I trying to say?  What am I seeing?

I’m seeing faces change because their hearts are changing.  And there doesn’t exist anything more beautiful in the world.

Be blessed with this song.

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